Science Clubs Winter 2021 Online


This is a 7 week term commencing Week of November 1st and finishing Week of December 17th.

The term costs €70 for the first child. Additional kits are available here at a cost of €21. Where additional kits are supplied the children must all join via the one connection.

If you would like individual kits and individual connections for your children please book each child separately.

All our online clubs will be delivered via Zoom, in small private meetings; you will be sent an invitation via email with Zoom details and all the materials you need from your kit and to provide from home.

You will receive a pack of specialist materials in the post before the classes commence.

You will need to supply some readily available household items. A list will be included.

We will cover the following activities:

We will focus this term on the elements. We have selected 6 elements and each week you will learn about and do an experiment relating to one.

At the end of term you will make some science gifts. You can give them to someone for Christmas or just have a little treat for yourself.

Please let us know about allergies, educational and dietary needs. We dont feed the children but often we use food items in our experiments as for most they are safe materials to work with. If there is a child with an allergy in the group then we replace the allergen with another material or in some cases replace the entire activity.

We want everyone to enjoy science so if your child has any additional needs please do let us know so we can do our best to create a comfortable environment for everyone.
  • All Online Activities(Camps, Clubs or Workshops)
    (with / without materials provided)

    We have a no refunds policy for these workshops. You may transfer your ticket to another participant. Please ensure that you supply us with contact details for the other participant.

    Cancellation by Anyone 4 Science
    Anyone 4 Science reserves the right to cancel camps, clubs and workshops where the number of children booked is not sufficient to make the event viable. We aim to give as much notice as possible. Normally a warning email will be sent 2 weeks before the camp start date advising clients that there is a possibility that a camp might be cancelled. A final decision date is then agreed with all concerned.

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