Tree House Afterschool Club Autumn Term


This a 13 week term commencing on the week of the 14th of Sept and finishing on the 14th of Dec.

Where: Tree House Afterschool Facility
When: Wednesdays  15:10 – 16:00


This term we are going to introduce the children to zoology and then space science.
In zoology the children will do an observation of a live animal, investigate birds and their beaks, dissect a chicken wing (for health and safety reasons it will be cooked in advance ) and a number of experiments relating to bees.
In space Science they will learn about the relative size of the planets and the relative distances between them. We will study the moon, its orbit, its effect on the tides. We will make space food. We will consider the challenges for colonising Mars and see if we can grow plants in a carbon dioxide environment.


Sept  14, 21, 28,
Oct 5, 12, 19, 26,
Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30,
Dec 7, 14.

Please let us know about allergies, educational and dietary needs. We dont feed the children but often we use food items in our experiments as for most they are safe materials to work with. If there is a child with an allergy in the group then we replace the allergen with another material or in some cases replace the entire activity.

We want everyone to enjoy science so if your child has any additional needs please do let us know so we can do our best to create a comfortable environment for everyone.
  • Club Details

  • We aim to have a few simple rules which everyone can understand. These are as follows:

    Instructions from the leaders must be obeyed.

    Everyone must be safety conscious at all times.

    No one is allowed to leave the venue without permission from the leaders.

  • Cancellation by Customer - Ongoing clubs

    Where the customer changes their mind in advance of the term starting a refund will be issued minus an administration fee of €30.

    If a child is unable to attend due to illness we try to accommodate the child at an online class in the same week.

    In the event of a red weather warning, closure due to Covid-19  or other force majeure any classes that are unable to go ahead in the venue will be held at the regular time in our Zoom classroom.

    If we have to cancel a class for other reasons the class will be  rescheduled.

  • Safety Glasses

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