D7 ETNS Wednesday Autumn 24 extra class
€ 150.00
14:15 for 1st – 4th class pupils
This is an 10 week term and costs €180 per child.
Dates: Oct 2, 9, 16, 23 Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 Dec 4, 11
There is no club on Dec 18
We will start with an introduction to science and then the activities for this term will include:

Learn about the main rock types, sedimentary, metamorphic and Igneous and how they are formed. Make some models.
Learn about Amber and how it is formed. Make a model.
Learn about tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcanoes and geysers.
Learn about our planet and make a model.
Human Physiology

What is blood made of?
How do your lungs work?
Our hearts pump blood. What is a pump? Could you make one?
How do our eyes work. What is a lens? Could you make one?
What is happening in your brain?
Skin - under the microscope
Learn how the kidneys work and make a working model