Ashford Midterm Camp 2022


21st-25th of February

5 Day Camp choose mornings or afternoons:
10:00 – 12:30 (Primary school age)
13:30 – 15:00 (Older Primary and Junior cycle Secondary school age)

All in Person activities will apply our standard Covid 19 precautions.

Human Physiology

What is blood made of? How do your lungs work? Our hearts pump blood. What is a pump? Could you make one?
How do our eyes work. What is a lens? Could you make one? What is happening in your brain?
Skin - under the microscope Learn how the kidneys work and make a working model

This camp is especially suited to children who have an aspiration to work in healthcare - doctors, nurses, etc.

Please let us know about allergies, educational and dietary needs. We dont feed the children but often we use food items in our experiments as for most they are safe materials to work with. If there is a child with an allergy in the group then we replace the allergen with another material or in some cases replace the entire activity.

We want everyone to enjoy science so if your child has any additional needs please do let us know so we can do our best to create a comfortable environment for everyone.
  • Camp Details

  • We aim to have a few simple rules which everyone can understand. These are as follows:

    Instructions from the leaders must be obeyed.

    Everyone must be safety conscious at all times.

    No one is allowed to leave the venue without permission from the leaders.

  • Safety Glasses

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